- get involved with Global Car Recycling Day
To maintain the world's most popular form of travel and protect our environment, Global Car Recycling Day needs to generate conversations in homes, businesses and governments about how important car recycling is.
If you'd like to show your support for Global Car Recycling Day it would be great to see your involvement on social media - simply share your car recycling opinion or story using the hashtag…
If you or your organisation wants to be seen as part of the campaign, you can display a we support Global Car Recycling Day badge on social media or your website. Tell your followers why responsible car recycling matters to you!
Individually, you may not feel there is a lot you can do if your own car isn’t at the end of its life, but you can still spread the word… Be sure to let your family, friends and colleagues know that they should choose an environmentally responsible service to recycle their car when the time comes, if a service is available where you live in the world.
If you want to do more, you could check how your car’s manufacturer supports customers in the disposal of their old car. Find out how your local authority deals with abandoned cars. Speak to your garage or service centre about what they recommend customers do with cars that will cost more to fix than they are worth. Or even speak to your government’s representative about the work being done in your country to support this vital industry.
Each country has its own issues, but across the world we can strive to make informed decisions about where we recycle our old cars and ensure we raise awareness of how important responsible car recycling is to the protection of our environment.
If you want to speak to us direct, we’d love to hear from you. Whether you're one vehicle owner looking for a responsible car recycling service, you're from an organisation wanting to get involved with the campaign, or you are a government representative and want to do more in your country about responsible car recycling. Whoever you are, we'd be delighted to hear from you.
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